Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Comparing: Republicans Contract to Democrats New Agenda

You know, we hear a lot from the right wing propaganda machine about how much better Republicans are about things like keeping promises and how grand and glorious their Contract with America was, the slogan for years was "Promises Made, Promises Kept" Well here's a little chart for comparison. As we can see the 1995 Contract with America turned out to be yet another Republican lie. Even with an overwhelming majority in both houses they couldn't, or they wouldn't pass the base of their party's agenda whereas the Democrats New Direction Agenda has fulfilled the majority of it's goals, save the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act that was VETOED by Bush, with almost FULL Republican support!


Now I ask you, who gets things done? Promises made, promises kept, INDEED! What gets my goat is that there are people out there still buying the Republican party's line about fiscal conservatism, yet they run up the debt and cut the government's pay from the people seriously crippling the country's debt to pay it's bills. They gripe about helping the poor in our own country with social programs like food stamps and AFDC, medicaid, etc. yet they run up a seven hundred billion dollar debt (that's $700,000,000,000 look at the zeros!) to give welfare to millionaire and billionaire executives that are ALREADY squandering several HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS of the money on English horesy set trips and salon treatments to get their toenails cut at a posh high dollar spa in California! Then that particular company asks for an additional 38 BILLION DOLLARS? You keep on supporting these bums, these Republican bums and welfare executives, you like this? You like paying high taxes while they get all the loopholes and breaks? If you work for a large corporation, probably one that sends more than half it's open jobs to be filled in communist countries like China and Vietnam, you go right ahead voting for Republicans, and you'll get out of it just what you asked for. More meaningless negative deficit spending, and unfair balance of power between business and labor, more deregulation (McCain is lying about being in support of it), more bad business in general.

Don'tchya know....

(click the pic for a larger image)

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